Auping Connect


  • Create the first mobile application to control an Auping adjustable base
  • Integrate smart functionalities within the app
  • Make a simple design that can be used by a broad target group


  • Research and user scenario’s
  • Wireframes and prototyping in SKETCH and InVision
  • Native app development
  • Phased launch and usertest 


  • Product owner
  • UX design
  • UI design
Wouter de Boer - Senior product engineer

“By utilizing the sensors of your phone and of other smart accessories in your bedroom the app can send triggers to the bed and prevent a user from snoring, setting an alarm by moving the bed, and endless other possibilities.”

Research and user scenario's

The first step was to do initial user research on the value proposition, which functionalities are key? When does a user need a function? How to interact with the functions (bed and app) and create possible user scenario’s. 

Wireframes, components and prototypes

After research first user flows were developed through wireframes, after which a design system was founded, components were created and several prototypes were created for user testing.  

Launch & Optimization

Prototypes were finalized and luanched in several phases with some initial field testing for optimization of the onboarding and usage.